International conference calling

These days it is not only big companies which operate on an international scale – small and medium-sized companies also work with customers and associates from a wide variety of other countries. It is all the more important, then, that your conference call provider supports you in your international business.

easyAudio: ideal for international conference calling

easyAudio offers international dial-in numbers, which provides you with the opportunity to hold conference calls from different countries.


A summary of the international dial-in numbers

easyAudio offers you the following dial-in numbers for the following countries:

01803 70 10 70

9 ct/min from German landlines, max. 42 ct/min from German mobile networks

0720 117025

Dial-in number from Austrian landlines, 11,6 ct/min per participant

easyAudio's presences in various countries:

conference calling

easyAudio is designed to facilitate international conference calling:

The automated messages for participants are in English for participants dialling in using the UK telephone numbers, or in German for those dialling in using the German, Austrian or Swiss numbers. The automated messages for the French number is French.

Worldwide dial-in numbers

easyAudio currently offers dial-in numbers from other countries within Europe (see above).

meetyoo will be happy to connect your global conference calls for you. meetyoo is also the provider of easyAudio. With meetyoo, your conference participants can dial in from over 50 countries using local rate or freephone (free for the caller) numbers.